As per usual, Dionysus was right...
Recently there've been a lot of stressful things going on. Friend drama, sickness, different friend drama, holidays, that overwhelming loneliness that never leaves me the fuck alone, health scares, and any number of other minor inconveniences that have been weighing on my mind. But the one in the forefront has been something I'm not quite sure I can or should explain in detail. Either way, my fear of abandonment has kicked into overdrive and a lot of bad emotions have been flooding out uncontrollably. Of course, due to the nature of all of this, I leaned on praying to Dionysus to cope.Well, one thing I finally tried again was oracle divination. I'm not a master of interpretation so tarot is a bit too mature for me, but oracle decks are extremely straightforward. I've had some issues in the past with oracle cards, specifically with Dionysus and oracle decks, but I was desperate and I tried again.
I lit all my altar candles, sat on the floor, blasted a hymn in my headphones, closed my eyes, and shuffled through the oracle deck, picking out whichever cards felt "right".
And the cards actually made sense, for one. No weird "fiery climax" card or "believe in the impossible" card. Legitimately just relevant cards. There's a first time for everything I guess
Anyways, after a bit of time trying to understand these cards and misinterpreting them a few times, I think I understand.
I'm not gonna tell all the details, or even which cards I pulled, because that's still a bit too personal. But I will say, it's all going as was said.
As always, Dionysus was right. The advice in the cards was extremely solid, and he's been so helpful.
Anyways, that's all I have to say on the matter. Praise Bacchus, and goodbye!